Wednesday 18 June 2008

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photo credit compot
I am off to Australia in PRECISELY TWO WEEKS!!! And I have to admit... I am very excited and cannot wait any longer! I will be attending the Glenn Murcutt Architecture Masters Class for two weeks. Then I am visiting some friends in Brisbane and then back to Sydney for another four days before heading home.
photo credit smac.pic
So if you are aware of ANY STUNNING places to visit in Sydney or Brisbane PLEASE let me know. These can be anything from bookshops (new or secondhand), art galleries, cool shops, amazing public sculptures - absolutely ANYTHING! Thanks for you input - it will be appreciated GREATLY! ; )
photo credit erik k veland

photo credit snelvis


please sir said...

WOW I'm jealous - I've always wanted to go! Bring back goodies!

Denise Kiggan said...

Sydney is a stunning city. It's cultured and yet full of sunshine and fun. I am sure you will love it. Am going to rack my brains to try and remember back 6 years ago when we were there. Will let you know if I have any inspiration.

kat said...

I was in Sydney far too long ago (about 11 years) to remember anything specific but the usual suspects like circular quay, the museum of contemporary art and Bondi beach are all worth a visit!

janine de waal said...

Thanks for all the info! I really appreciate it!