These awesome (limited) prints designed by my graphic artist & illustrator friend Alta Stegmann (
alta.stegmann@gmail.com) started off as illustrated affirmations... but they have somehow taken on a life of there own...

I find them so inspirational and beautifull, and every time Alta designs a new batch I just can't help myself but I then need to purchase more prints for myself or just to give away as gifts. They make awesome gifts as they are light and flat - so they really travel well!

And what makes them really special (apart from the obvious) are the quotes woven into the designs. (I think the images are possibly too small to read the quotes - but they are really great!)

One of my favourites are on RELAX (see above) - "deep summer is when laziness finds respectibility" s.keen. So hope these brighten up your day!
These are beautiful! Does she have a website/blog?
Alta is in the process of setting up a blog for herself - so it's still "under construction" as they say... She use to sell the prints at WALLFLOWER in Greenpoint but since they closed down last month she is now looking for other outlets.
These are beautiful. Is she connected with The Bird Boutique Cafe in Bree Street?
nope - maybe related as a disctant distant twice removed cousin - but it is not the same Stegmann girl that does all the ceramics. Looks like the Stegmanns are a talented bunch! = )
these prints are great...how can they be purchased?
you can contact the artist directly - her name is alta and her email is alta.stegmann@gmail.com
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